
By theimpinside

Shadow play

Now, you were going to get a nice sunny photo of the millrace at Wickhambreaux, next to the big house that I was going to pretend was mine.  But honesty got the better of me, as did my predilection for all things gloomy.
Fun facts about Wickhambreaux;-
Christine McVie lives there.
Sq Ldr David Maltby DSO, DFC of 617 Dambusters Sqdn is buried in the churchyard.
Wickhambreaux Court was used as the "Gluemans" house in the wartime classic film "A Canterbury Tale", which may also have starred my father....he was always very vague about know what theatricals are like.
If you like bats, there is no finer place in Kent to spend a summer's evening nursing a pint of Cider, than outside The Rose pub.

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