Waiting In SideVision

Into town today to buy a birthday present for a nephew and took the opportunity to browse the shops and enjoy a coffee whilst watching humanity pass by. Always a source of inspiration and pleasure...

Home to the canine who had decided not to come with me. He has taken to not coming with us as and when he feels he would rather stay home. Quite good really as he is a frenetic wee pest in the car, pacing up and down the back seat and panting and whining quietly to himself.

Took this image whilst parked after shopping at my favourite organic goods shop. Lovely organic natural yoghurt, organic tamarillos, laundry liquid, and herbal tea - lemon, lime and ginger, and some lovely hazelnuts which I have 6 of each evening to lower my slightly elevated bad cholesterol. It works to as I have dropped 1.2 points off my LDL cholesterol reading in just three months!!! Otago University has recently completed a study on the effects of eating hazelnuts and I would much rather eat than pop pills...:-))

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