Particularly grim

I discovered recently that this new hybrid covered/street storefront mall has a Creative Kidstuff, the most deliciously colorful store in the world, packed with eye candy.

To get to it, I parked in the covered parking lot and walked this breathtakingly grim* staircase to the outside, where a downpour of epic proportions awaited. I now know EVERY toy and game they have in stock better than the lady who works there, because even after I pinpointed what I was getting the soon-to-be-birthday girl, I still spent over an hour walking around, waiting for the rain to let up. Like a doofus, I didn't remember to grab an umbrella.

The designers of this mall has made a geographical error-they thought this was the desert Southwest, where quaint boulevard street side shopping makes sense. No wonder half of the retail spaces are still empty.

I half expected to return home and find the water feature flooded and in disarray because of the non-stop torrential rain. My careful sloping of the area toward the alley paid off and not a single pebble or shred of mulch is out of place. Phew.

*another entry for consideration of membership to the prestigious Monochromatic Concrete Appreciation Society.

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