A view from Jeanneb

By Jeanneb53

Oh deer!

A cold,but beautifully bright morning for our walk.

We combined our usual 'Deer Walk' through the woods and the hamlet of Ravenroyd with the 'River Walk' that took us back along the R. Aire to Bingley, finally crossing over the river in Myrtle Park and returning to the St Ives Estate via Mouse woods.

I was pleased as I always enjoy the chance to see deer and I would perhaps be able to get another river shot for my 'One River' project.

The deer were spectacular this morning, standing out in the bright sunlight and for a change my photos weren't too bad so I have gone with them.

It was my desire for river shots that got me into trouble. I fell behind and in rushing to catch up I inexplicably fell on the muddy lane!  ( If you must you can see the result on Wilsden Walker's blip)

Oh dear, I hope I'm not seized up for the show tonight.

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