5 plus 1

Wednesday night, as I was about to slide into sleep. I heard some clicking. Out in the main room of the apartment. Not like a click beetle, but I thought it might be. Investigated, and found that the ignition switch for the gas hob had activated (itself). I couldn't think of any intervention, other than turning off the power. Everything worked when turned on again yesterday morning. Until I tried to start it for cooking dinner last evening; the big ring wouldn't ignite and if I tried matches, it soon blew out. I cleaned it and it made it worse; it didn't work at all.

Then, there was a knock on the door. A fellow resident from the complex told me that there was water coming down the wall in the garage in the basement. And the building manager had told him to tell me as it seemed likely to be coming from us. I told him we weren't aware of any water leak, but I would look. 

Went out on the deck, and in a tucked away corner underneath a large cupboard full of staff for the pot plants and so on, I spied water. Not much, but not there before. Emptied the cupboard, and shifted out to see that water was seeping through cracks in the seal at the bottom of the wall with the neighbouring unit. 

Rang the building manager, and he said he'd come and look. Meanwhile S had sent an email to the dishwasher repair people. Ten days ago we had the dishwasher repaired and she wondered if maybe the hoses were leaking. They replied saying someone would come around in the morning and look at both problems.

When Dave (building manager) arrived and saw the water, he immediately said that it wasn't our leak; it was from the neighbour. He went and saw her, and I heard a very pleasant sounding conversation; the words didn't carry. An hour later, our side was dry, and I checked the garages, and there was no more water coming down the wall.

We decided to not stop the repairman from coming as he had also been asked to look at the gas hob. At 0730. He was on time, and confirmed we didn't have a leak, quickly cleaned the gas jet properly, and went on his way.

I then went for a run; later than usual for a morning. Along Ponsonby Road, and outside Bambina Cafe were five cyclists plus one husband. It gazumped a sunrise photographed when I went out to get the paper a half hour before the repairman arrived, and some other photos from my run. I rather like the range of expressions, including those from the table beyond.

Back to the beach house for the weekend.

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