I finally got out of the house for Derelict Thursday, though there was much else to do. MOT to arrange; food to buy but couldn't find chickpea dahl or curry rice so dinner will have to re-thought; trying to park at the hospital; blood test; more searching for chickpea dahl; arrange hearing test. How did I have time to do all this when I was working etc, etc?

I got home and was about to put cheese and ham under the grill for lunch and the electricity went off. The gas hob plus an old fashioned match still worked, so it was soup instead. Had to dust off the ancient kettle for a cup of tea. No phones, no computers, G couldn't work; hell, I couldn't iron!

Eventually the electric came back on and I have had a mad upload/download of blips to catch up, though really I should be resetting all the clocks flashing from the oven, microwave, telly - no better not touch that one.

So at last, THANK YOU to you lovely Blippers who popped in on my 5 year blip. I am such a slack contributor I really don't deserve your time. I don't dare to even promise to improve ...... but equally I can't tear myself away!

Have just checked my shopping list and I forgot the toilet rolls. Probably best I didn't find the chickpeas now.

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