
By LuceoNonUro


This is the shadows of Felix's dad, me and Felix.

Hooray for the weather - it is a complete success at the moment!

We had to swelter in the school for a few hours today, due to the boy being 'inducted' and prepared for Primary 1 in August.
He went off to the classroom for a wee sample of what's to come whilst we parents attended a talk.
You'd think he was off on a foreign university exchange, the amount of information and forms thrown at you!

More of the same tomorrow, I can't imagine what else they'll have to tell us - I'm sure it wasn't like this when I went to school. There was lots of talk of league tables and statistics that bear no relation to causality.

Maybe it's my anti-establishment side showing itself but, thinking as a sociologist, I just can't help being wary of the narrative and schemas of schools and education. I'm the same with the medical profession. Don't even get me started on the violation some women go through whilst pregnant, on the say-so of the 'experts'.

Anyway! Enough of that! There's more good weather on the way - Happy Days!

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