Damp day on The Green at Sedrup

Oh its a nasty wet day today dark & dismal.

This is a shot of the Green at Sedrup which according to an online report has little changed in hundreds of years:

Sedrup is a simple hamlet which today consists of six historic buildings clustered around an irregularly shaped green space. It is reached via a single narrow lane which leads off the busy A418 located to the north of the hamlet. According to historic maps, access to the hamlet has remained remarkably unchanged for centuries. Equally historic plots and surrounding field boundaries remain consistent with those identified on maps dating back to the 17th Century.

Tesco 1st thing then home to put away. A few more things to get later as we are entertaining S M & S on Saturday evening.

Intend to do a little more painting now.

Wet day

Thanks to everyone for their kind comments stars & favourites ..

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