
By Lexialex5

Every time that i stare into the sun...

I've had this for awhile, its my forth tattoo. (not sure why i waited so long to post it- considering i got it two months ago but) it reads 
"Be a model or just look like one" from the song Asking For It by Hole. Its one of my all time favorite Hole songs and this quote in general always stuck with me. Im not sure why, but i immediately attatched to it. 
Its almost like a constant reminder that everyone is beautiful and even though you're not a model, that doesnt mean that youre not beautiful- just look like one. 
Out of the five tattoos i have, this one was the most painful by far. Its on my ribs/under-boob area and its obviouisly a pretty sensitive spot... my mom recantly had her entire ribs done and claimed that the only part that really hurt was near her hip... So i thought "hey, we both have a pretty high pain tolerance, it wont be that bad"

I was wrong. It was just... I cant even explain it. I felt the vibrations of the machine in my hip- it was a very sharp pain. As i said, i have a pretty high pain tolerence and that was just terrible. But in a way, the pain almost set me up for any other tattoos i plan on getting. I know that that was the worst and nothing can be worse than that. Now, that doesnt mean that every one i decide to get will be remotely painless, but i guess i just know my limits?

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