
It's been one of those days were everything, well nearly everything, has been crap. Most of the morning spent talking to John Papalekakos, a very lovely Apple techy type, he sorted my old phone out so I could strip it, sadly I still have a problem with the new one... Wrong email hanging onto my ID!
Late walking dogs and letting geese out, very late to the workshop, no-where near completion -curtains for a Parker Bowles!
I was more than ready for a teatime pint.... Even that didn't happen!
Generally a day where bed would have been a good place to stay.
I've been mostly angry with myself for letting my ex-sister and her actions six years ago upset me once again. Watching Shameless whilst my Mum was breathing her last is unforgivable!
I have thought, wondered and even hoped many times these six years that perhaps our differences could be overcome, there seemed to be a glimmer a year ago...
I am now sure that that door is locked and I have to let go, not only of the sister, I have other dead wood in the form of a couple of old friends that also need to leave my life/mind.
Let the de-cluttering begin.

That's the guy in the photo, he is notorious in these parts... Not only for his Rally driving!
We went to the Cottage in Haxby to listen to him telling some of his tales tonight.
The day ended with a laugh.
All is well!

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