Sutherland's Grove.

Disappointed to have to cancel my day out with the Two Short Ladies today, and to have to cancel my trip to Edinburgh on Friday :(
I just don't want to spread this rotten sore throat to anyone else.
But as I was up early and ready to go this morning, I drove up to Sutherland's Grove, one of my favourite dog walking places, and armed with my tripod, I set off to try and get some long exposure shots. Reasonable success at last! I'm really liking the tripod now that I've worked it out.
There is a quite spectacular gorge at Sutherland's Grove. It was just a bit dull today, to capture some of the amazing rock erosion.

Thank you all for your kind words, stars and hearts yesterday :)
And a special thanks to Miffy for remembering me.

A few more Flickrs.

So as my pal Iris would say 'Get a grip'. ( It's only a sore throat - good excuse for ice cream!)  There are so many people worse off than me x

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