not a Daily Blipper

By suzy

well what can i say about jenny i think she is a hyperactive hamster if you can get such a thing she is happy when i have her out either run on and over me or on the sofa and in her ball she goes like lighting she has been in it most of the morning happy as larry bombing around

then you put her in her cage and she changes completely she starts chewing at her hatch wanting to get out last night it seemed to be all night even i was getting fed up with her which i normal it dose not bother me 

so today went to the pet shop to get some things to keep her hopefully occupied 

it is not that she is a bad hamster it is just trying to keep her happy
i did look on line and one idea was put a hooded on backwards put your hamster in the hood and walk round with it while you are doing bits in the house so i might try that this afternoon

if all fails even me i think we will have to give it up as a bad job and take her back so she can be adopted by some one who knows a bit more then me but me and keith do not want to do that so lets hope it dose not come to that 

I think we where a bit spoilt with our last hamster johnny as he was so laid back but then there are just like kids you never get one the same

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