Morning Flight

As the sun rose the estuary came alive. Echoes of black swans and Canada geese drifted by, terns called with a familiar sharp rolling 'krrrrik' while alarmed oystercatchers called with a rapid 'pic, pic, pic'.

But it was the flight of a flock of Royal spoonbills which caught my eye, something I'd not seen before. Their flight strong and direct, their necks extended, soaring and gliding in wide arcs, majestic as the golden light touched them, it was a magnificent sight.

I was amused by what looked like a Black-backed gull or perhaps a tern which seemed to be leading them but in reality he was miles away.

As the day progressed it became hot before a southerly change arrived round noon, bringing with it a drop in temperature and strong gusts of wind - dawn was certainly the best time of day.

Not my best shot as I only had my 200mm on the camera, but a shot I just couldn't resist, at least you can see they're spoonbills - a moment worth savouring.

Happy Wednesday everyone :)

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