Debbi...the Queen of All Things Bird

There she is in one of her two favorite shooting positions. (The other is a squat.)

How does she do that? I'll tell you how...SHE'S 39 YEARS OLD!!! (Or is it 59?) Either way, it cramps me up just to watch.

We met up at the fort, Fort De Soto Park. We set off in spite of the heavy sea fog. We waited and waited for the sun to burn it off. (3 hours later, we were still waiting.)

The bird highlights of the day for me were an unafraid oystercatcher, a fishing reddish egret named Big Red, and a big baby owl sitting on her palm tree nest. What a thrill. I didn't get a good picture of the owl, because...because...I NEED MORE LENS!!! ARE YOU READING THIS LISA...I NEED MORE LENS!!!

Always fun to hang out with Debbi, even in the fog. As I said...the Queen of Birds. Click above to see my bird shots. If I hadn't posted the Queen, I would have gone with Big Red. Deb's page. (She posted Big Red.)

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