Not before time!

Exciting news - I finally received my work mobile today. Not before time - I started my job 9 years ago ... 

So excited was I that I signed up for three one-day workshops with the National Centre for Excellence in the Teaching of Mathematics, which are being run in Taunton. I did six days last year, the Maths Enhancement Programme (and blipped photos of some of the  activities we did). These next days are on a similar theme, still concerning GCSE teaching, but this set are about Taking GCSE Mathematics Deeper. There's also a Post Maths Enhancement Programme - maybe later on in the year.

Meanwhile, I've almost finished one FutureLearn course How to succeed at writing applications (I'd had a bad day!) and I'm also due to do How to succeed at interviews (it really was a bad day!!) and Assessment for learning in STEM teaching (that was on a good day!) I thought I'd got over my learning addiction when I finished my OU degree, but apparently not...

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