40 years on

I bought the Vivitar flashgun on the left (used) 40 years ago. I’m not pretending it’s had continuous use but it’s still going strong and I’ve used it for all my recent macro shots. Today I bought another flashgun, the Yongnuo YN560 II on the right. It’s twice as heavy and twice as powerful as the Vivitar, and five times more sophisticated (although very flexible and actually pretty simple to use with a little practice). I can’t remember what I paid for the Vivitar, but at 27 pounds on eBay (brand new), the Yongnuo is cheaper after allowing for 40 years inflation. I constantly fight G.A.S. but the flexibility of the Yongnuo is what I need to improve my macro photography, and I think I can justify it at this price. I hope it lasts me another 40 years. If it does, it will be good value.


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