The life & times of Jacks

By Jacqueline

I May Be Stressed

My heart beat is all over the place at the moment.  I am paying attention to it through the use of my Fitbit which seems to spike at particular moments including when I look at this hole in the ceiling.  This is stressing me out.

The plumber reckons it is a day worth of work to repair the leaks in our heating pipes - oh the joy.

I am just glad that it is in the utility room rather than the dining room which we have just finished decorating.  

With this and some of the activity at work I am actually feeling physical stress - like I can feel my heart racing and my mind is whirring - there is a lot going on this year and ensuring I have a healthy balance is not being as easy as I would like.  On that note I am off to bed - really need the proper rest to make sure I can be focused and effective tomorrow.

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