After a sunny and frosty dawn, high cloud soon swept across the sky and by the afternoon it was raining heavily. I went to The Boardwalks LNR to look at the pond restoration that's been carried out by Froglife. It's certainly dramatic, with a complete clearance of willow from around one of the ponds and some serious re-profiling of the margins. At the moment it looks a mess, but I'm sure that by the summer it should look much better, and the invertebrates and amphibians should benefit from the extra sunlight and warmth.
While the world still looks and feels quite wintry, this black-headed gull now has it's characteristic breeding plumage with a dark chocolate-coloured head, a sure sign that spring's not far away.
- 1
- 0
- Canon EOS 6D
- 1/2500
- f/6.3
- 300mm
- 400
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