New addition.
What a scorcher! Took Rona out very early for a nice cool walk around the wood. The rest of the day was spent in and around the house waiting on a delivery. Managed to have breakfast, lunch and tea alfresco!
Through at Mum's tonight as we are unable to go at the weekend. Also paid a visit to my good friend Cath (who checks up on me every day reading this!!). Gordon and Cath have a lovely garden and have many wee feathered friends visit. This is taken in their garden. Don't think it will be long before the new wee blue tits will be flying the nest.
Cath and Gordon are also awaiting a new addition to their family. This will be their second grandchild who could arrive anytime soon. Great excitement all round..and if that isn't enough their daughter Hazel celebrates her thitrtieth birthday tomorrow!
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