Twisted Wheel

I'm really not sure that this fits in with B&O's reputation for high-end technology but I guess that they have to wheel it out of the shop each morning because of the space it must take up. That said, getting a new wheel fitted would cost slightly less than buying a needle for a B&O turntable - it was like this the last time I saw it some weeks ago so it isn't a recent problem.

And the title was also the name of an iconic nightclub when I was growing up in Manchester. It closed before I was old enough to go but the name was synonymous with soul music and the big American acts played there when they were in the UK. It played lots of records which were imported from the States and was the forerunner of Wigan Casino both in the music played, which came to be know as Northern Soul, and running all-nighters. I do remember seeing the coaches from across the country parked up while the folk they'd brought danced the night away.

I have my new glasses - this whole "being able to see small things and read small print" thing might really take off. The young lady who checked the fitting said she liked my choice of frames but I don't suppose there is much mileage in her suggesting that they might be dreadful.

Early blip so the rest of the day lounges before me like a teenager watching TV.  

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