More Life of Sands

By sands

Five Vols In A Cage

We've had a super day again today!

There was client trip this morning but only space for 4 volunteers so I dropped out of that one and spent some time putting data we collect on the sharks into a database which is pretty boring but listening to a podcast of Simon Mayo's Confessions at the same time helps :-)

And this afternoon, we had an EXCLUSIVE volunteer trip on the boat! This is such good fun - just us and the crew and no pain-in-the-arse clients!

Here are all 5 of us together in the cage (one of the vols decided not to come as she gets a bit seasick & didn't take her seasickness tablet in time) and we had some fabulous shark action!

I also remembered my camera does video footage so I took some short clips of the sharks while we were in the cage :-)

Amy, Robyn & Frank (the marine biologist) all went in the cage later with no wetsuits on. As the water temperature is only 15 deg C, I declined to join them!!

After we got back and had done all our chores, we went for coffee & cake at the Great White House and there, I bumped into a couple more friends I haven't seen yet :-)

We are now back in the volunteer house and dinners are being cooked. Tomorrow, we are planning to have a braai in the evening (a South African bbq) and these are always good fun! I must NOT get a second degree burn on my leg this time though......

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