Bit of a random photo from today. It got to late afternoon and I hadn't taken a photo yet, so I went wandering around the house trying to find something to photograph. I was trying to get my compact camera to go into macro mode, and this was a bit of a test shot - but turned out to be my favourite one.
Went climbing with Tim this morning. I was so exhausted to start with, I thought I was going to have to stop - but then seemed to dredge up some energy from somewhere and actually had an ok climb. Had a nice relaxing afternoon, then went out to Tzigano's in Blackheath for dinner, and then on to Zero Degrees again for a couple of beers. Lovely! Really enjoying our long weekend at home :)
- 1
- 1
- Sony DSC-RX100
- 1/30
- f/1.8
- 10mm
- 160
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