Aperture on Life

By SheenaghMclaren

Bosham Quay

It is said that the King Canute the Great placed his throne on the quay at Bosham and commanded that the tide should stop, not to wet his feet or his robes.  Well, that didn't happen then and doesn't today either.  

When James and his girlfriend suggested we go down to the coast, I remembered that today would see the highest tides for years so it seemed a good idea to go down and preview a photography group trip on the 7th March.  

When we arrived we walked by this road sign and the water was some meters from it.  Two hours later and this was the scene from the terrace at the local pub.  The water was about to rise through the floorboards when we left and the staff were checking every few minutes by raising a loose plank next to our table.  On the wall, in the restaurant, there is a notice which marks the level of the water on St Valentine's day 2014, which would have been well above our knees.  

Bosham is a fascinating place, where every building anywhere near the sea has flood defences in place, and boasts an ancient history that is second to none. 

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