Trees, lots of very big trees, many birds singing loudly, four young deer (two appear in Piet Hein's blip, my pictures too blurry since they were so far from us), ground covered with bright green moss, a bench to sit upon when our legs got tired, four humans who came from the opposite direction, telling us that we happily got down already while they had to climb the steep path still, and the silvery grass (?) between the brown, dull branches.
A lovely sunday afternoon walk in the Solling forest.
In the morning I had done some trimming in the garden, loved to do it, but as always I overdid it a bit.

My haiku:

Hear the magic silence
Let it shine on your soul
And then shout out loud

A strange haiku I think but I don't want to change it.

And the proverb:

All is over but the shouting

1842  in Apperley, Life sportsman.

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