Happy Birthday Nana S

Today we picked Lincoln up from Nana and Grandad's after a sleepover. We all went out for lunch for Nana's birthday. The restaurant had a fire and lots of fancy lights to look at. Not to mention, other people! Lincoln was in heaven. Part way through lunch we were asked to observe a minute's silence to honour those who died in the earthquake four years ago. Lincoln made it to about 45secs then made an adorable noise that had most of the restaurant quietly sniggering. He did well to make it that far through.

The afternoon went badly for Lincoln. He was almost inconsolable for most of it. He wouldn't eat tea and would only chew on a rusk so I think it was teething bothering him.

My maternity leave is officially over and I'm back at work tomorrow. Should be interesting since my job isn't technically there anymore. I have to find other work within the office. I decided not to bother worrying about it til I start so I'll turn up tomorrow and hope things go well. If not, I have some compulsory training to do so that should take up the best part of a day.

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