Where Have You Been?

Started the day with a 20 km run in the rain. See the pale brown building on the centre left? To the right of that are some cranes in the distance. I ran to those and back. On another day I ran about forty kilometers along the crest of those mountains on the right. I took this blip from our balcony using the panorama function I discovered yesterday.

While I was running this morning I had an idea for where to take my running next after I complete the ultramarathon in March. Non-stop running. Ever since watching Forrest Gump I have wanted to run through sunrise and sunset. My hero, Dean Karnazes, ran three days non-stop without sleep; the world record for this feat. Wouldn't it be something if I could beat that?

Why do I enjoy running so much? This video which I watched for the first time this morning pretty much says it all. 

The Advice Of Dean Karnazes

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