A Life of Laughter

By nlw_93

Addicted to Books

A couple of weeks ago, I had a massive book splurge on the Book People and I got all the books sent home as I have no room for them at my flat. A grand total of 20 books for £21 which was a bargain and a half! I got 12 of the Poirot series by Agatha Christie and 8 of Ernest Hemmingway's works.

Today, my sister and I discovered Zoella's channel on YouTube so I managed to procrastinate for a while, learning new techniques for my hair and make up. I'm not hugely into either but I've always wanted to improve in both. I did eventually dig out my uni work and spent a while writing about the triptych of deviance. I need to redo my methodology chapter of my dissertation as Jim sent me some improvements on Thursday.

After having a roast for dinner (one of the best reasons to come home), kirsty and I had a bit of a pamper night with nose strips and then a facemask! I do love a pamper session!

A lazy but fun Saturday

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