High tide at seawall

Its been a mainly coudy day with some rain early evening.  Went shopping then up to Mums.  She had a full house as the assessor for care package came, the district nurse and then the carer to do her lunch!  They had got the wrong number for the key safe and one couldn't get in the main door, hopefully just teething troubles.  I did mums lunch etc and then came home and out for a walk.  Took a few shots that I liked including one of a kestrel but not clear enough to put on blip.  It was a really high tide today, this is the creek that I've often taken blips of when its muddy! Still feel really tired as I couldn't get to sleep last night but mum had a better night and a nap this afternoon. 
Sorry about not getting round to commenting and replying, hope normal service will be resumed soon!

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