
Monday was President's day!  Gosh....gotta love time off work, and school.  We slept in....well, us girls anyway.  The Hubby was off to work on the fishing boat.  After a late breakfast, I realized that we needed to run to a nearby town and purchase some rabbit food.  Our rabbits ONLY like the food from this one place.  (seriously????? spoiled much?)  I made a few text messages, and soon found a friend that was home, and interested in a quick visit.  It was quite lovely.  This friend had another play date planned for shortly after lunch, so Sugar and I took our leave around lunch, and I had managed to arrange a lunch date with the little friend pictured here.  We haven't been out with this friend and her mama in wayyyyyy too long.  So excited to see them.  The girls are so darn cute together.  They've been friends since they were about 3.  Love it.  Their height difference never fails to make me smile.  They are only 3 months apart in age.  

We had a GREAT lunch date, and then purchased our rabbit food, and headed on home for homework, more crocheting, and a crab dinner.  Wonderful day off.  I love 3 day weekends.

PS.  Way too much back blipping lately.  I'm so behind.

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