
By TrishaR

On the Ancestry Trail

Years ago, I think 2006 I started investigating my family history.  Oh what a tangled web I unravelled.  Things I thought had happened didn't.  People I thought died in childbirth hadn't.

Anyway, it was great fun finding out all the stories, and it was made a lot more easier than in the past with Scotland's People website.  There were manifests from a ship unearthed, court records from the National Archives, loads of info was sitting there waiting to be discovered.  We had full days spent in Edinburgh searching through births, marriages and deaths at the Registers of Scotland.  Many skeletons were unearthed!

Then meeting members of my mum's side of the family that I never knew existed.

This day we had a little trip to the signal box at Inchcoonans where my Grandpa's brother died on July 24th 1913 aged just 40.

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