Photos in A Major

By A

I'm just not sure...

Monty's first trip to the seaside and he's just not sure of this sea thing, it keeps coming in and out. Well that was until a bird flew over the sea and woosh he was off up to his neck!

It all went to plan, arrived early, showering in the arrivals lounge, home and car packed then off to the beach for some fun.

A late afternoon snack in the Victoria, I ordered three venison sausage rolls & they brought three sets of cutlery....guess what, the third roll was eaten without the aide of silverware. He did request it without the English mustard, apparently brown sauce is ok, but mustard is just too much.

Settling into a book now, with the open fire warming us and some Adele in the background. Plus a beer on the side...

Happy Friday night all.

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