Fairy flower

2 years 116days

This morning's shot, Katie outside in the gorgeous warm morning sun. Playing with her first fairy flower. She got frustrated that some of them wouldnt blow so easily and pulled them off to make confetti, which she enjoyed throwing.

I've had several apologies about the eye situation - the member of staff on duty that day has seen her today, and is both shocked and upset at how it looked. Thankyou so much for all the lovely comments yesterday. It looks a little better today, so hopefully will improve quickly.

We ended up having a totally different afternoon to the plan yesterday- we were invited to a barbecue, our first of the season. The weather called me too strongly and it was with friends who are moving, the husband of the family today, so I really wanted to be there. It ended up meaning I had a wonderful afternoon with my girl. To get there, I had to get one bus, get her and then wait for the next one an hour later. So we had a lovely time getting an ice cream and going to feed the baby geese and the ducks, and picking daisies.

At the barbecue, so many of our friends from our old village were there. We spent ages in the hot tub, the children ran around. They all swooned over the baby of the family, happily playing in her sun tent. Katie was so funny trying to explain to her younger, but heavier friend that he needed to make the seesaw go down so she could get on it. She ran off and got a heavy beanbag and held that on as she tried to get on. I thought that was rather clever problem solving! Didnt work, but the theory was impressive.

I'd picked which bus we were going to get home but we were having so much fun that we got the one later. A really good afternoon with special friends, who we will miss a lot.

2days and counting - exam for mummy this afternoon

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