Splish Splash
We went off to find this place today, which I had rather alarmingly misread as Sprout Force, however, it turned out to be Spout Force and was a waterfall. LooseCanon has vowed to return with a tripod and some sunshine!
We were a little bit bewildered today as to where the path went because the Wainwright recommended route was a near vertical slope covered in loose bits of slate. We tried to find an alternative and LooseCanon was ready to go home when he couldn't find the footpath because it worries him when he doesn't know where he is. It doesn't bother me so much as I have no sense of direction whatsoever and am permanently disorientated, not knowing which way is North or South or whether the sea is behind me or in front. AW was right all along and it was the steepest way up. Another Wainwright to add to our tally.
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