
By Mindseye


Ivy or Pen Letter? Sorry for the pathetic link ;-)

I have walked past this traditional post box at the top of our estate many times before, and recently noticed it is becoming slightly camouflaged by its surroundings, so thought it might make an interesting blip in time.

This morning we went for a walk, although the weather was flat and grey, I hoped I might see something worthy of a blip. Sadly the donkeys, the horses and even the birds were non existent.....so,I,had to resort to a couple of cross country shots, which lacked colour and composition.

On the way back, as usual we passed the post box, so I thought I might as well take a couple of shots of it. They turned out to be the best of a bad bunch!

My intention was to wait until the box was much more obscured by the ivy but needs must as they say!

Tomorrow's forecast isn't much better,,and apparently Sunday is even worse :-(

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