Running about

Ann is in the process of moving offices at work so she's very busy at the moment.  I went to my dog sitters all day yesterday, I've been there all day today and I'm going there all day tomorrow.

This morning Ann said, 'Molly, I'll take you for a run about on the beach & then Christian will take you somewhere nice for your afternoon walk.'

I love my dog sitters and I've had such a fabulous day.

I've had such a lot of 'run about' time today that now I'm exhausted!!!

Happy Friday night blippers.

PS - Ann tells me the 'BLIP statistics are back.  Yay!  I now know that I have 737 followers??  That's loads more than we had in December.  People must like our 'rantings' about the new site???  So glad all the old features are slowly returning.

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