1460 Up

If it were not for holidays I should have celebrated this at the turn of the year: my idleness in omitting to backblip the more interesting days of my life has delayed the achievement of this magic number. I may yet get round to blipping the USA, Cyprus and North of Scotland breaks, assuming that I can remember sufficient detail thereof.

 I manage to miss most other significant blipdays but, thanks to an advanced warning by BlipCentral I am able to celebrate my 1460th blipday with an appropriate photo. Thanks are due to The Finishing Touch, who allowed me to rearrange their display for the purpose (I did restore everything to its rightful place afterwards, of course) then take photos for no apparent reason. The added benefit was bumping into Lali on my way there.

So, despite the discomfort of the recent changes, over the 4 years-plus Blipping has become a way of life. I enjoy reading other journals, exclaiming at the brilliance of the photography and finding inspiration for places to visit, but most of all the friendships within the community. Life would be so dull without it.

Thanks for all the stars, favourites and Followers and most of all to Joe.

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