The Life of a KoLala Bear

By KoLalaBear

Day 20

Today has been a busy day for Mr Robie fuzz. We have been exploring ever since we woke up and even went for a wander in the orchard and out the back so he had a good time and got all tired and he has been eating like crazy =D

I think Emmy is slowly getting to like Robie, aswell as Quey =] as you can see in the picture, and also there is a picture of Robie upside down because he was having a nutty moment and rolling around in the gravel.

Maby Robie is spending abit too much time with the dogs... since hes picking up gravel that hes playing with in his mouth and carying it around haha what a funny little thing.

And the last picture is Robie in the big orchard, he is stalking fantails in the trees you see haha, trying to jump up and catch them but its not quite working.

I had so many good pictures of just this mornings outing with Robie so i just had to blip a few of them =]
I cant wait to see what Robie weighs today =D

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