twinned with trumpton


A sunnier morning after a fractured night (cheers, Zander)

Wandered off up the back hill with the boys to seek out my childhood and in more tangible terms a massive sub station that looks like it's been dropped into the midst of 1500 hectares of prime sikta spruce. When I first moved there as a 7 year old, the back hill was bare moorland, all hen harriers, hares and heather. Now it's off limits and covered in conifers.

I took the boys into a increasingly gloomy morning; and as the rain started in earnest, we had the briefest glimpse of the 2nd biggest pylon in Scotland (USP when it comes to selling the house, I'm sure) before slithering back down the hill.

We got in to hear Maw had car trouble outside Tesco so we wandered down there, did the shopping, nabbed this and met His Lordship, too. Looks good for 84.

Back for straight from oven to table rolls lunch and then the afternoon plan of more timber stuff fell apart and we ambled homewards.

Delightfully Alex said on coming in 'it's soooo good to be home'...!

Just missed her train

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