Fresh Cut
It's been another beautiful day here and it's not been easy to have been inside working at the computer for most of it, making progress with the job in hand, but of the rather frustrating three steps forward and two back kind. I cycled to and from work in warm sunshine, though, so I can't complain too much. I had half a mind to run the Badgerstone Relay tonight, but a walk at lunchtime, with very leaden legs, convinced me that it wouldn't be a good idea. I need to ease back into the running rather more gently than a 2 mile sprint would be likely to allow!
But I went up to watch and ended up chatting to lots of friends, some of whom I'd not seen in a couple of years. Indeed, I was so busy nattering away that I pretty much forgot about the camera and the few pictures I did take were all rubbish. I've never been very good at spectating at races because I always feel like I want to be competing. Tonight was no different. Fell running was my sport for so many years and I realised tonight just how much I miss the craic. You can't really join in with that if your haven't been running up and down the hill yourself. I need to fit a few races into my schedule somehow and see how it goes. I'm not ready to give the sport up quite yet!
So Plan B for my blip tonight, a shot taken on my cycle home. This was recently a meadow full of wild flowers but it's still rather pretty and I rather liked the contrast of the dark greens of the border grasses and nettles with the light greens of the fresh cut field. Thanks to everyone who is continuing to stop by and comment when another day passes with no reciprocation. Working all day at the computer means that, when the weather is as good as this, I cannot find it in myself to spend any longer than necessary at the keyboard in the evening.
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