My life in blips

By Goretex

BBQ on a school night

Lovely and sunny today and very warm, so it just had to be a BBQ night. Got it going with lots of coals and the smoke shows it was well up to temperature.

SD and KillerQueen and Camy came over for their tea. With the extention going on, they don't really have a garden at present and there is apparently an inch of dust everywhere in the house due to major holes being made in walls. Mags and Mr Mags joined us too, and MP had a good play with LL.

A wee surprise visit from a friend in New Zealand with her kids made for a lovely evening. We got round to talking about how the earthquake has affected the people and the infrstructure of the Christchurch area........and we heard from the children about what they did for make shift loos! You don't hear about these kind of things in the news.

A great evening, however, we'll all be counting the midgie bites tomorrow no doubt. Ouch!

Midgie update - Mr Mags will the prize for most bites. He managed to attract 18 bites on ONE foot alone!

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