Battening Down the Hatches....

.......For a few days now we have been getting very severe weather warnings....a hurricane. 
Tonight is the night and we are prepared...well we bought some candles anyway.
Thought I would post early just in case.

Rumi is on his new diet...he spat his herbs back at me then tried to nip my fingers when I was trying to shove some fish oil capsules down his throat...he is now looking at me as if I am Frankenstein........I am determined to get that little bugger to stop scratching and smelling like a mens urinal....I am on a mission and dangerously armed with chicken necks and herbs.

I will report on the outcome of the hurricane next time I blip. I hope the horses I saw in the field today and all those animals (and others) that are left to the elements find a warm and safe place to ride out the storm.

“A butterfly flaps its wings somewhere and the wind changes, and a warm front hits a cold front off the coast of western Africa and before you know it you've got a hurricane closing in. By the time anyone figured out the storm was coming, it was too late to do anything but batten down the hatches and exercise damage control.”

Karen Marie Moning 

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