Happy allotmenteers

Mr Allotmenteer had been working on his plot for a few hours so was delighted when Mrs A came up with a flask of tea. Here they are enjoying a rest and a cup of that tea outside their shed. Anyone would think it was spring or something.

We popped up to the plot to put in some Irises that we'd been given for Christmas. They needed to go in before they started growing. Should give a good show. Once you're up there you get the urge to keep on doing bits of things but we didn't have time today. It was off to the gym straight after seeing to the Irises.

Upgraded to fibre today. For once that was a simple operation with no hitches (that I can see yet!) Everything runs nice and quickly.

Spent the morning writing a wretched report on my prison service work for the company that employed me. Seemed to be an academic exercise as very shortly that company will be getting out of prison work. Probably just for their records.

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