
By TrudievA

Emergency elephant

11pm and still no picture. I wanted to take pictures on my way back home from work, but the battery of my camera had died. And when I came home, I was not in the picture-taking mood. 
This emergency blip is an elephant on a string of beads. There are actually 4 elephants, but I just picked one. I got it from a friend a long time ago just after I moved into my new home as a single mom. When I moved to the US, I left a lot of things behind but I kept this one. 

It was a busy day at work and it'll get busier tomorrow and Friday. I'm working on a Brief that needs to be filed this Friday. Love to do it, but it's just an awful lot of work. Stupid courts! :-)
If we could all agree on things a little more often. Thank you!

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