
By bulliblip

yes, yes.... I know

Perhaps I should have given up blipping E and Z for Lent?! I aim to make an effort to blip a bit more of the great outdoors but I suppose blip should reflect where our hearts and heads are..... and truth be told I do little else aside from hanging with the little people at the mo.

If anyone is interested to know what I actually gave up for Lent, I am having a Facebook fast. So far, so good. I've resolved to spend the time I might have been idly flicking through FB on something of eternal consequence.... however widely that might be construed. That part is going less well so far but we'll get there as much as poss. I am also attempting to be less attached to my phone and I was horrified to find myself wondering where it was while I bathed this little creature tonight, get a grip woman! How can a phone compete with bathing the smallest Bullis?

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