Your soul could never grow old, it's evergreen

So I said to Si at the weekend, let's go out on an evening's reccie - to identify ideal "cultivation" areas, in addition to taking my trowel with me, and perhaps purloining a few snow drops whilst I was out.

There's nothing I love more than a little bit of cultivation. 

However, Si looked at me and said "No".  "no".  You are bad. 


Then we were coming along the mogre which is traffic works at our estate, and he spotted big rolls of plastic laying on the roadside.....  Hmm, he says, "hmm".  "I know where we could use pieces of that...." 

"No, no" I says.  You are bad. 


But we do laugh a lot.  

Which is good. 

(I bought these daffs,I didn't cultivate them) 

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