Late afternoon..


I do love the winter silhoettes of the bare trees.. there can only be a few more weeks before the leaves start to reappear.  Today was a beautiful day..the first day I have hung laundry outside on the line and brought it in a little drier- hurray!!  Ah the happinesses of a housewife!!  The dogs enjoyed a lovely walk today having missed out on the day the Openreach man didn't make an appearance so things look brighter.

On the less bright side of the day.. a one hour phone call with our ISP proved unfruitful.. he could think of no more ideas so will send out a new router..('that will shut her up for another 5 days while I wait for it to arrive' I can hear them saying)  They refused to send it out by courier to speed up the wait.. grr.. and anyway we know it is not the router as the ISP engineer tried a brand new one straight out of the box and it didnt work.. so again.. 5 days with no hope at the end of it.  What can I do?  The individual customer service engineers are trying their best but it seems I have a terminal problem.. no one can agree there is a problem on their part of the system.. arghghggh!!!!  13th day.. should have been a lucky day.. ho hum!

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