Making Waves

Well they were there anyway but The Boss thought some artistry might be in order.
He has been reading an ebook called “eyePhone”  by Al Smith and  has been very impressed with what he didn’t know about some apps including a very nice camera app called Camera +  NOT Plus but + as the Plus one is not as good the author says. It enables different and lockable points for exposure and focus and stabilisation with other stuff too.
The book is a treat too and if you are interested ask Mrs  G. Cheaper than hot chips The Boss says.
There are a lot of Grrreat eBooks available now on the web. “Craft and Vision” is a good thing to ask Mrs G about too.

Oh and just in case you wondered about the MRS bit  well there is a lot of multitasking involved, is there not?
I can multitask like crazy…OK don’t ask it would be making waves for sure.

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