
A family funeral today of a 99 year old relative. Although the blood links have to go back up a few generations and across and down the personal links have been close for decades.

A funeral - in this case albeit a celebration of a lovely lady's life - is never quite the occasion to take out a camera and blip. There were opportunities (taken) at the Linn Crematorium and at the lunch after the church service when our son took advantage of the gathering to add to the 5000+ names on the family tree.

However, this stained glass window in the Mearns Kirk itself was particularly striking with its distinctive stylised features and dress.

The 200 year old church was renovated and expanded in the early 1930s when this stained glass window and others were inserted. Not only are the colours and style intense, the glass sections are moulded and shaped in 3D (as opposed to flat glass) to give substance and depth to the image.

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