From Across the Pond...

By transatlantic

World of Birds, Hout Bay

For some time now I've wanted to check out "The largest bird park in Africa," and it delivered tenfold on my expectations. With the exception of a few cages for the smaller/mischievous birds (and monkeys), the reserve's 100 aviaries and habitats were all open and walk-through, so I was blessed with an afternoon among fantastic animals. At one point I sat on a railing next to a huge, beautiful old owl about as mellow as could be, and occasionally as I explained to him how cool he was, he'd let out a nonchalant "hooo" and close his eyes in agreement. Admittedly, these parrots are more conventional than other birds I foto'd (in some cases, far more conventional), but I really liked the fact that one was chomping down on the other's foot.

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