Feeling Special

Sugar got a very lovely little gift from someone who makes us both feel special.  We are so blessed to have this person in our lives.  She takes such good care of my Sugar after school several days a week, and ensures that she gets to dance, and has her guitar lesson.  My life would not be the same without her....and not just because she helps me out with the childcare stuff.  She is an amazing lady who does so much for EVERYONE.  She makes me smile all the time, and is probably about the MOST thoughtful person I know.  This simple little gift really made Sugar's day....her week, really.  It was so thought out right down to the color of the gift bag.  Every time I think about it....I just go, "awwwwww.....!"  We are so blessed.

I had a long day....traveling along the coast, and sitting through a very long and emotionally taxing meeting.  Three days in a row of taxing meetings, actually, and boy oh boy.....I'm emotionally spent. 

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